David Umemoto

Canadian artist David Umemoto straddles the line between sculpture and architecture. He graduated in 1998 as an architect and spent years with established firms gaining solid practical experience in that sector.

In 2010, Umemoto spent a year in Indonesia, where he studied printmaking, sculpture and foundry. This period shifted his focus from architecture to sculpture, though he currently works in both fields.


Umemotos’ sleek concrete sculptures of buildings and monuments push the envelope of perfection in both disciplines: stairs lead nowhere and walls stop in the wrong place. The buildings’ architectural elements are difficult to place. The work of David Umemoto exudes mystery, stimulates the imagination, but at the same time gives a sense of reflective discipline. His mysterious objects were inspired by the architecture and primitive arts as well as the art of Giorgio de Chirico, Giovanni Battista Piranesi and M.C. Escher.


David Umemoto was born in Montréal, Canada in 1975 and he continues to live and work in that city.

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